How do I report online bullying?

Online bullying or ‘cyberbullying’ is typically repeated, emotionally abusive behaviour intended to hurt someone. 

A one-off negative or insensitive comment may not be bullying, but could be upsetting, and potentially against our code of conduct so please do report anything which you find upsetting or concerning 

Forms of online bullying might include:

  • writing targeted threatening, upsetting or abusive comments about a participant 
  • creating and sharing targeted embarrassing or malicious images or videos about a participant 
  • starting a comment thread or setting up hate sites or groups about a participant 
  • encouraging a participant to self-harm
  • impersonating, hijacking or stealing a profile or accounts on other services to embarrass a participant or cause trouble using their name.

If you or someone else is being bullied on Canvas, do not retaliate or reply. Instead, report it to your tutor. Include any supporting information you are comfortable to share, such as screenshots. All information will be treated respectfully and your Tutor will escalate concerns where appropriate. Where possible we will do our best to maintain strict confidentiality.

If you are being bullied by someone who doesn’t use our platform 

If you are in the UK and under 18, please contact Childline. for help. 

If you are over 18, you should consider contacting your local police. You may find this advice from the National Bullying Helpline useful.



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